I went to the Optometrist this week. For the past few months, I've been having problems with wearing both my contacts and my glasses. I figured either my eyesight was getting worse or I had some serious, rare eye infection that was going to rob me of my sight slowly and painfully.
Imagine my surprise when the good doctor not only told me that my eyes looked perfectly healthy but that...
my eyesight had gotten BETTER!!
I guess it really is possible to improve with age.
I'll be honest. I really don't like this getting older thing, but in this case I'll take it! My improved prescription allowed me to order glasses without having to pay the big bucks for thinner lenses, so I took advantage of the store's 2-fer deal and got two new pairs...

I've not worn glasses in public in years because I've never thought I looked good in them. I think I got teased about being four-eyes in middle school too much and it scarred me. (Along with being called
mouse because of my small stature and
beaver because of my buck teeth. Oh, and my future husband teasing me about having a uni-brow. Yeah, middle school was not my favorite time. Maybe getting older
is a good thing!)
Anyway, I'm actually kinda diggin' my new glasses a little.
What do you think? Four-eyes or Fabulous?
Definitely FABULOUS! You are so pretty, Jenn! I like how you chose one brown pair and one black pair - that's what I did, too! It's nice to be able to match my outfits more this way!
I got called four eyes and all that nonsense but on the whole I've owned my look and it's become a part of my identity. And I'm glad you are doing the same because you look amazing in them.
I love them both! My mission for the week is to make an appointment with the eye doctor. Where did you go? I think mine have gotten much worse over the past few years.
They look great! I wish I looked good in the cool, funky frames. You really pull them off well.
Oh, and I got called beaver, too. I have to laugh at people who think homeschooling is so awful because it deprives kids of the "socialization" of school. Um, yeah. Because everyone I know looks back on the social sniping with such fondness.
I LOVE the glasses! You look great. You are so beautiful.
I'm trying to picture you as anything but fabulous.... not happening. Your fabulosity rules! LOL
Sooooooooo Fab.u.lous.!! I work for 2 optometrists, so I so understand the love of glasses! You look great! Warning: Fabulous glasses are addictive...you always want more!
I think you look fabulous! My husband better have not been involved with that stuff :)
LOVE THEM!!!!! You look absolutely gorgeous, smart, fun, and sophicated all at the same time!
So fabulous! And to not pay for extra thin lenses, WOW -- how fun is that!
I only wear my glasses when driving, but probably need them all the time. I'm just stubborn. But your new glasses look SO cute! I'm tempted to get a new pair, maybe that would help my phobia. :)
I loved putting a name with a face! :O) Thanks so much for answering all of our questions! We are really excited to move to the area!
(oh and p.s. kinda funny...I went to college for 4 years and just finished cosmetology school last week... pretty similar to you.) :O)
Jen, You are Always Super Fabulous!! I didn't realize you made such beautiful jewelry. Your husband is So wonderful. I'm glad Cabelas is so cool, I bought my Dad a gift card for that store. I'm glad I"m finally catching up, I found out how to add blogs to my Blogger Dashboard. Thanks for the fun msgs to read!
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