Yesterday was the last day of a reeeeeeeaaaaallllly looooooonnnng week. I had been going a mile a minute all week, had hair appointments that morning and by the time I was done, all I wanted to do was put on my jammies, crawl into bed and hide for a while.
Scott had other plans. He wanted to take me on a hike before the last of the vibrant fall color was gone.
I was feeling grumpy and exhausted and really did not want to go. So, all the way to the park, I was grumbling inside. (OK, maybe I was grumbling on the outside, too.)
I'm so glad my husband puts up with me! What a gorgeous day we had! Once I was there, breathing fresh air and glorying in the gorgeousness of fall, I was so thankful that sometimes he knows what I need better than I do myself.
Look at this cool tree we saw. I wonder if this is a remnant of the big storm we had a few weeks ago?

And look at these fantastic, twisty roots...

I am a tree lover. I love their majesty and beauty. I love the symbolism of trees, reaching towards the heavens.

Can anyone tell me what this is?

It's about the size of a grapefruit. I seem to recall that someone once told me that if you put them around your house, they keep spiders away. I brought this one home, but if that's the case, I'm going back for more.
Teddy went with us (of course) and had a marvelous time tromping through the leaves...

...until Scott mentioned that we were in a prime location and season for snakes and to watch out because they might be hiding in all the leaves we were walking through...
...at which point I made him carry him.
It was a beautiful day and I came home feeling renewed and peaceful. And then I had a three-hour nap.